Help Wanted: Help Analyze APOD's Footprint in 2015

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Help Wanted: Help Analyze APOD's Footprint in 2015

Post by RJN » Sat Jan 14, 2017 3:03 am

Two Excel files containing popularity data for APOD from 2015 are being made publicly available. Anyone interested is invited to analyze the data in any way they would like. You can even publish conclusions without collaborating with the APOD team. Here is a PDF file summarizing a presentation made about the data:
APOD Data Release of Social Network Footprint for 2015.pdf

Two Excel files were prepared for this 2015 data release. The smaller, basic data file can be found here: ... Basic.xlsx
while a more full data file can be found here: ... 0Full.xlsx .

MTU student David Russell and the APOD social mirror operators are thanked for their help in accumulating this data.

Sample questions that might be addressed include
- Do different groups of people prefer the same images?
- What types of images are most popular? (Galaxies, nebula, etc.)
- Does image type preference change with social media platform?
- Does starting the explanation with a question increase popularity?
- Do long explanations decrease popularity?
- Do the number of links affect popularity?
- Please think of your own!

If you preform any analyses of which you are proud, please post a summary of it to this thread!

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Re: Help Wanted: Help Analyze APOD's Footprint in 2015

Post by starsurfer » Tue Jan 17, 2017 5:43 pm

After a quick peruse, I have noticed an apparent lack of planetary nebula and supernova remnant images. :D

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Re: Help Wanted: Help Analyze APOD's Footprint in 2015

Post by breinbaas » Tue Jan 17, 2017 7:17 pm

Hi there.. just spent some time with the data.. I have created a csv file from the basic xlsx file and written some python code using a Python notebook.. I have not checked the code yet but so far this is what I find.. there are a lot more things to discover but I have to see if I can find some more time :D ... 0e55d4fd97

The data can be found here..

Having all data in a Pandas dataframe will make it easier to do statistics or machine learning so I hope it helps 8-)


Re: Help Wanted: Help Analyze APOD's Footprint in 2015

Post by Niklos » Wed Jan 18, 2017 12:55 am

Everything is perfect please don't change a thing!