APOD: Atlantis Farewell from Parkes (2011 Jul 21)

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APOD: Atlantis Farewell from Parkes (2011 Jul 21)

Post by APOD Robot » Thu Jul 21, 2011 5:36 am

Image Atlantis Farewell from Parkes

Explanation: The Parkes 64 meter radio telescope is known for its contribution to human spaceflight, famously supplying television images from the Moon to denizens of planet Earth during Apollo 11. The enormous, steerable, single dish looms in the foreground of this early evening skyscape. Above it, the starry skies of New South Wales, Australia include familiar southerly constellations Vela, Puppis, and Hydra along with a sight that will never be seen again. Still glinting in sunlight and streaking right to left just below the radio telescope's focus cabin, the space shuttle orbiter Atlantis has just undocked with the International Space Station for the final time. The space station itself follows arcing from the lower right corner of the frame, about two minutes behind Atlantis in low Earth orbit. Atlantis is set for its final landing early this morning (July 21, 5:56am EDT) at NASA's Kennedy Space Center.

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Re: APOD: Atlantis Farewell from Parkes (2011 Jul 21)

Post by rkoester » Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:19 pm

Great picture!
Is that a couple of wombats sitting on the edge of the dish? :)


Re: APOD: Atlantis Farewell from Parkes (2011 Jul 21)

Post by Guest » Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:13 pm

The trails from ISS and Atlantis seem to be notably different colors; any explanation for that? I assumed since this picture is "just" after undocking, both would be in roughly the same atmosphere and traveling at roughly the same velocity. Is it a factor of their different sizes and compositions; camera or exposure anomaly?

Neat picture in any case, what a chance opportunity!

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Re: APOD: Atlantis Farewell from Parkes (2011 Jul 21)

Post by orin stepanek » Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:28 pm

8-) the wonderment of the shuttle program!
:D whenever the flight was a success!
:shock: that it is over.

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America's solid fuel Goddard

Post by neufer » Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:39 pm

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Whiteside_Parsons wrote:
________ Jack Parsons ___________________________ Aleister Crowley
<<John Whiteside Parsons (born Marvel Whiteside Parsons on October 2, 1914 – died June 17, 1952), better known as Jack Parsons, was an American rocket propulsion researcher at the California Institute of Technology. He was one of the principal founders of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the Aerojet Corp. He was also an occultist and one of the first Americans to take a keen interest in the writings of English author and Thelema's founder Aleister Crowley. In this capacity, he joined and eventually led an American lodge of Crowley's magical order, Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.).

Parsons was the only child of a rich but dysfunctional family. Parsons landed a job with the Hercules Powder Company while still a senior in high school. The following year, he entered Pasadena Junior College and spent two years at the University of Southern California, although he did not graduate. Parsons and Helen Northrup were married in April 1935.

In 1936, Parsons joined the Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory (GALCIT) of the California Institute of Technology, where he worked for Frank Malina and Theodore von Kármán in Pasadena. While his formal education was limited, Parsons demonstrated tremendous scientific aptitude and genius, particularly in chemistry. His rocket research was some of the earliest in the United States, and his pioneering work in the development of solid fuel and the invention of JATO units for aircraft was of great importance to the start of humanity's space age. The noted engineer Theodore von Kármán, Parsons's friend and benefactor, declared that the work of Parsons and his peers helped usher in the age of space travel. Parsons co-founded the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, commonly referred to as JPL. According to von Kármán, Parsons' work in solid fuel research "... made possible such outstanding rockets as the Polaris and the Minuteman."

It was in 1942, the same year Parsons was appointed as head of the Agapé Lodge by Aleister Crowley (who himself had studied chemistry), that Parsons made the crucial breakthrough in the development of rocket solid fuel. Following intuition, Parsons switched from black powder to asphalt and potassium perchlorate. Compared with Peenemünde, America was finally in the race for rocket propulsion with solid fuel for the space age. Parsons saw no contradiction between his scientific and magical pursuits. Before each rocket test launch, Parsons would chant Crowley's hymn to the Greek god Pan. In 1942 Parsons was chosen by Aleister Crowley to lead Agapé Lodge of OTO in California following Crowley's expulsion of Wilfred Smith from the position.

Sara Northrup (aka "Sarah Elizabeth" or "Betty" Northrup), began living with Parsons and Parsons' wife, Sara's half-sister Helen Northrup; later, Parsons and Sara became involved in an affair, which caused strife with Helen and eventually led to Helen leaving with Wilfred Smith. Sara Northrup went on to marry author L. Ron Hubbard, who served as the occasional magical partner of Parsons, and who would later found the Church of Scientology.

Parsons, a science fiction fan, had read in the fantasy pulp magazine Unknown the 1940 original shorter version of Jack Williamson "Darker Than You Think". Parsons had identified the redheaded female love interest of the protagonist with Babalon or the "Scarlet Woman", who Crowley had prophesied would help to fulfill the Aeon of Horus and announce to the world the end of the Aeon of Osiris represented by Christianity and other patriarchal religions and social institutions. In 1946, Parsons and Hubbard (whose works Fear and Typewriter in the Sky, among others, had actually appeared in Unknown) participated in a work of ceremonial magic known as the Babalon Working. In simple terms, the Babalon Working was a ritual to summon this Scarlet Woman. Paul Rydeen writes: "The purpose of Parson's [sic] operation has been underemphasized. He sought to produce a magickal child who would be a product of her environment rather than of her heredity. Crowley himself describes the Moonchild in just these terms. The Babalon Working itself was preparation for what was to come: a Thelemic messiah." Crowley, who lived in England at this time and had little say over the matter, disagreed strenuously. Though he had never met him, Crowley had no love for Hubbard and considered him a con artist with plans to abscond with Parsons' money and current girlfriend.

Almost immediately he met Marjorie Cameron right in his own home, and regarded her as the Scarlet Woman and the fulfillment of the ritual. Parsons, Hubbard, and Cameron then proceeded to the next stage of the Babalon Working in which Cameron acted as Parsons' magical sexual partner with whom he could sire a Moonchild. The creation of this Moonchild had been previously covered in fictional form in Crowley's novel Moonchild. Parsons ended the ritual by declaring it successful. A physical child was not conceived, but this did not affect the results of the ritual, as Parsons and Cameron soon married.

In January 1946, Parsons, Sarah Northrup, and Hubbard began a boat dealing company named Allied Enterprises. Parsons put in the sum of approximately $21,000 of which Hubbard contributed $1,200. Just as Crowley had predicted, Hubbard eventually abandoned Parsons and their business plans, leaving for a port in Florida with the boat and with Sarah. Parsons retreated to his hotel room and summoned a typhoon in retribution (viz., with an evocation of Bartzabel — an intelligence presiding over the astrological forces associated with the planet Mars). A Florida court later dissolved the poorly-contracted business, ordered repayment of debts to Parsons, and awarded ownership of the boat to Hubbard. Parsons resigned his leadership of the Agapé Lodge in 1946.

Fritz Zwicky, a member of the original Aerojet team, disliked Parsons, and described him as a "dangerous man". This pronouncement would prove prophetic, at least for Parsons himself. On 17 June 1952 Parsons was eventually killed by an explosion of fulminate of mercury at his home laboratory. Though gravely injured, he survived the immediate explosion, but he died of his wounds a few hours later. Distraught, Parsons' mother killed herself just hours after he died. The crater Parsons on the far side of the Moon is named after him.>>
Art Neuendorffer

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Re: APOD: Atlantis Farewell from Parkes (2011 Jul 21)

Post by Beyond » Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:51 pm

It must be some kind of optical illusion, but it looks to me like the shuttle streak is going 'through' one of the supports of the focus cabin on the antenna.
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Re: APOD: Atlantis Farewell from Parkes (2011 Jul 21)

Post by Chris Peterson » Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:55 pm

Guest wrote:The trails from ISS and Atlantis seem to be notably different colors; any explanation for that? I assumed since this picture is "just" after undocking, both would be in roughly the same atmosphere and traveling at roughly the same velocity. Is it a factor of their different sizes and compositions; camera or exposure anomaly?
This is normal, and is apparent visually as well as photographically. The shuttles are white; the ISS has colored structures on it- especially a lot of golden yellow from Kapton, foil blankets, and the rear of the solar panels. In this image, the warmer color is probably further enhanced by how much lower the ISS is in the sky, and therefore how much more scattering atmosphere its light is passing through before reaching the camera.

Chris L Peterson
Cloudbait Observatory

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Re: APOD: Atlantis Farewell from Parkes (2011 Jul 21)

Post by neufer » Thu Jul 21, 2011 3:30 pm

Chris Peterson wrote:
Guest wrote:
The trails from ISS and Atlantis seem to be notably different colors; any explanation for that? I assumed since this picture is "just" after undocking, both would be in roughly the same atmosphere and traveling at roughly the same velocity. Is it a factor of their different sizes and compositions; camera or exposure anomaly?
This is normal, and is apparent visually as well as photographically. The shuttles are white; the ISS has colored structures on it- especially a lot of golden yellow from Kapton, foil blankets, and the rear of the solar panels.
  • O Kapton! my Kapton! our fearful trip is done;
    The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won;
    The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
    While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring:
    But O heart! heart! heart!
    O the bleeding drops of red,
    Where on the deck my Kapton lies,
    Fallen cold and dead.

    My Kapton does not answer, his lips are pale and still;
    My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will;
    The ship is anchor’d safe and sound, its voyage closed and done;
    From fearful trip, the victor ship, comes in with object won;
    Exult, O shores, and ring, O bells!
    But I, with mournful tread,
    Walk the deck my Kapton lies,
    Fallen cold and dead.
Art Neuendorffer

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Re: APOD: Atlantis Farewell from Parkes (2011 Jul 21)

Post by neufer » Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:35 pm

http://www.universetoday.com/ wrote:
ISS Crew Captures Shuttle Atlantis’
Last Brilliant Trip Through the Atmosphere
by Nancy Atkinson on July 21, 2011

Simply incredible. Atlantis' fiery final return home,
as seen by the crew of the International Space Station.
Credit: NASA_Johnson Twitter feed.
Art Neuendorffer


Re: APOD: Atlantis Farewell from Parkes (2011 Jul 21)

Post by Guest » Sun Jul 24, 2011 8:40 am

The only better news would be if taxpayers de-funded NASA altogether.

Private industy is the only way to go forward the future is unlimited if you get off our necks.

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Re: APOD: Atlantis Farewell from Parkes (2011 Jul 21)

Post by Chris Peterson » Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:38 pm

Guest wrote:The only better news would be if taxpayers de-funded NASA altogether.

Private industy is the only way to go forward the future is unlimited if you get off our necks.
Private industry has never demonstrated an ability to produce scientific knowledge if it doesn't have the prospect of short term payoffs. That kind of research requires public funding. Which isn't to say that private industry isn't heavily involved... most of our space technology comes out of private industry, it's just that the work is paid for by the public.

Chris L Peterson
Cloudbait Observatory

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