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Re: Weather!

Post by BMAONE23 » Fri Aug 20, 2010 9:37 pm

neufer wrote:
BMAONE23 wrote:
Images of Polar Bears perching on bergs is a gut renching site for us and plays on our sensibilities WRT their treatment but keep in mind, It is what they do best. They will swim for 80 to 100 miles then perch themselves on any piece of floating ice to rest before swimming another 100.
How many folks would like to see BMAONE23 swim for 80 to 100 miles then
perch himself on any piece of floating ice to rest before swimming another 100 miles :?:
Ya know Neuf,
If I were a Great White Bear, also known as Mariner Bear (for good reason as they were, even back in the early 1900's, often seen swimming in open ocean with no visible land or ice in sight), I would probably enjoy a 25 or 50 hour long swim to eat a big fat juicy Baby Seal or 2 a day. And pearching on the ice would be easy as pie with those loooong claws and Huge paddle foot paws. I am Human though and am unable to swim 100 miles in a 26 hour period before resting. We weren't designed for such endeavors. They are.

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Re: Weather!

Post by neufer » Fri Aug 20, 2010 10:05 pm

BMAONE23 wrote:
neufer wrote:
BMAONE23 wrote:
Images of Polar Bears perching on bergs is a gut renching site for us and plays on our sensibilities WRT their treatment but keep in mind, It is what they do best. They will swim for 80 to 100 miles then perch themselves on any piece of floating ice to rest before swimming another 100.
How many folks would like to see BMAONE23 swim for 80 to 100 miles then
perch himself on any piece of floating ice to rest before swimming another 100 miles :?:
Ya know Neuf, If I were a Great White Bear, also known as Mariner Bear (for good reason as they were, even back in the early 1900's, often seen swimming in open ocean with no visible land or ice in sight), I would probably enjoy a 25 or 50 hour long swim to eat a big fat juicy Baby Seal or 2 a day. And pearching on the ice would be easy as pie with those loooong claws and Huge paddle foot paws. I am Human though and am unable to swim 100 miles in a 26 hour period before resting. We weren't designed for such endeavors. They are.
You and how many OTHER leading polar bear biologists believe that? wrote:
<<The IUCN, Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, United States Geological Survey and many leading polar bear biologists have expressed grave concerns about the impact of global warming, including the belief that the current warming trend imperils the survival of the species.

The key danger posed by global warming is malnutrition or starvation due to habitat loss. Polar bears hunt seals from a platform of sea ice. Rising temperatures cause the sea ice to melt earlier in the year, driving the bears to shore before they have built sufficient fat reserves to survive the period of scarce food in the late summer and early fall. Reduction in sea-ice cover also forces bears to swim longer distances, which further depletes their energy stores and occasionally leads to drowning. Thinner sea ice tends to deform more easily, which appears to make it more difficult for polar bears to access seals. Insufficient nourishment leads to lower reproductive rates in adult females and lower survival rates in cubs and juvenile bears, in addition to poorer body condition in bears of all ages.

In addition to creating nutritional stress, a warming climate is expected to affect various other aspects of polar bear life: Changes in sea ice affect the ability of pregnant females to build suitable maternity dens. As the distance increases between the pack ice and the coast, females must swim longer distances to reach favored denning areas on land. Thawing of permafrost would affect the bears who traditionally den underground, and warm winters could result in den roofs collapsing or having reduced insulative value. For the polar bears that currently den on multi-year ice, increased ice mobility may result in longer distances for mothers and young cubs to walk when they return to seal-hunting areas in the spring. Disease-causing bacteria and parasites would flourish more readily in a warmer climate.

Problematic interactions between polar bears and humans, such as foraging by bears in garbage dumps, have historically been more prevalent in years when ice-floe breakup occurred early and local polar bears were relatively thin. Increased human-bear interactions, including fatal attacks on humans, are likely to increase as the sea ice shrinks and hungry bears try to find food on land.
Observations linked to global warming
The effects of global warming are most profound in the southern part of the polar bear's range, and this is indeed where significant degradation of local populations has been observed. The Western Hudson Bay subpopulation, in a southern part of the range, also happens to be one of the best-studied polar bear subpopulations. This subpopulation feeds heavily on ringed seals in late spring, when newly weaned and easily hunted seal pups are abundant. The late spring hunting season ends for polar bears when the ice begins to melt and break up, and they fast or eat little during the summer until the sea freezes again.

Due to warming air temperatures, ice-floe breakup in western Hudson Bay is currently occurring three weeks earlier than it did 30 years ago, reducing the duration of the polar bear feeding season. The body condition of polar bears has declined during this period; the average weight of lone (and likely pregnant) female polar bears was approximately 290 kg (640 lb) in 1980 and 230 kg (510 lb) in 2004. Between 1987 and 2004, the Western Hudson Bay population declined by 22%. Mothers and cubs have high nutritional requirements, which are not met if the seal-hunting season is too short.

In Alaska, the effects of sea ice shrinkage have contributed to higher mortality rates in polar bear cubs, and have led to changes in the denning locations of pregnant females. Recently, polar bears in the Arctic have undertaken longer than usual swims to find prey, resulting in four recorded drownings in the unusually large ice pack regression of 2005.>>
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Re: Weather!

Post by BMAONE23 » Sat Aug 21, 2010 6:02 am

(snip) The main threat to polar bears in recent decades has been from hunting, with estimates as low as 5,000 to 10,000 bears in the 1950s and 1960s. But thanks to conservation efforts, and some cross-border cooperation among the U.S., Canada and Russia, the best estimate today is that the polar bear population is 20,000 to 25,000.

It also turns out that most of the alarm over the polar bear's future stems from a single, peer-reviewed study, which found that the bear population had declined by some 250, or 25%, in Western Hudson Bay in the last decade. But the polar bear's range is far more extensive than Hudson Bay. A 2002 U.S. Geological Survey of wildlife in the Arctic Refuge Coastal Plain concluded that the ice bear populations "may now be near historic highs." One of the leading experts on the polar bear, Mitchell Taylor, the manager of wildlife resources for the Nunavut territory in Canada, has found that the Canadian polar bear population has actually increased by 25% -- to 15,000 from 12,000 over the past decade.
Current Trends of the World’s 19 Subpopulations in 2009
Declining................Stable....................Increasing................Data deficient
Baffin Bay...............N. Beaufort Sea.........M’Clintock Channel....Arctic Basin
S. Beaufort Sea........Gulf of Boothia......................................Barents Sea
Chukchi Sea.............S. Hudson Bay.......................................East Greenland
Davis Strait......................................................................Foxe Basin
W. Hudson Bay..................................................................Laptev Sea
Kane Basin.......................................................................Kara Sea
Norwegian Bay..................................................................Viscount Melville
Lancaster Sound

Of those 8 declining regions:
Baffin Bay is estimating declining by birth/death simulation and due to hunting
S. Beaufort Sea Decline suggested by Estimated birth and death rate
Chukchi Sea Decline could be due to ice loss but illegal hunting is happening
Davis straight suggested decline but unspecified cause
W Hudson Bay Study indicates near 25% population loss from early ice break-up
Lancaster sound Declining due to Hunting Male Bears
Kane Basin decline due to hunting
Norwegian Bay Population is Thought to be declining but cause is unstated
4 (50%) are from hunting (Baffin Bay, Chukchi Sea, Lancaster Sound, & Kane Basin)
2 (25%) are from an unspecified cause (Davis Straight & Norwegian Bay)
1 (12.5%) The decline is suggested by Estimated birth/death rates (S Beaufort Sea)(ice loss is indicated)
1 (12.5%) (W Hudson Bay) The only peer reviewed study indicating a decline of 250 Bears due to Early Ice Break-up
Of the 19 populations,
The study of a single population indicates that the early ice break-up in that area led to the death of 250 bears. Hunting is responsible for the declining populations in 4 times the areas of ice loss in the study area which also covers approx 4 times the physical area.%5.25
1 area is a suggested decline due to estimated birth/death rates with ice loss indicated%5.25
2 are from an unspecified cause % 10.5
4 are from hunting %21
7 have no data for population or status %36
4 are stable or increasing %21

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Let them eat blueberries

Post by neufer » Sat Aug 21, 2010 4:28 pm

BMAONE23 wrote:From

(snip) <<Polar bears have thrived during warmer climates because they are omnivores, like their cousins the brown and black bears. Though polar bears eat seals more than any other food source, research shows they have a varied diet. When other foods are available--including fish, kelp, caribou, ducks, sea birds, musk ox, and walrus carcasses--they take advantage of it.

Dr. Mitchell Taylor, a biologist with Nunavut Territorial government in Canada, pointed out in testimony to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that modest warming may be beneficial to bears since it creates better habitat for seals and would dramatically increase growth of blueberries, upon which bears gorge themselves when available.>> wrote:
<<I understand that people who do not live in the north generally have difficulty grasping the concept of too many polar bears in an area. People who live here have a pretty good grasp of what that is like to have too many polar bears around.>>

Dr. Mitchell Taylor, Polar Bear Biologist,
Department of the Environment,
Government of Nunavut , Igloolik , Nunavut , Canada
I think that Dr. Mitchell Taylor is MUCH MORE INTERESTED in the well being of WALRUSES
(, seals & caribou) than of polar bears:,_Nunavut wrote:
<<In late 2007, the Igloolik HTO (Hunter and Trappers Organization) banned all forms of tourism (sport hunting, filming, photography, watching) related to the northern Foxe Basin walrus population for a period of two years. This ban was in response to an observed decrease in walrus. The Igloolik Inuit continue to harvest walrus while the tourism ban is in place...The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation interviewed people from the region in April 2008, about their concerns over plans to ship iron ore from the nearby Steensby Inlet on Baffin Island from the Baffinland Iron Mine. Jaypetee Palluq, an Igloolik resident who had been asked to serve on a Baffinland advisory committee, was concerned that the mine's operation would interfere with the traditional hunts for sea mammals, like Walrus. He called on Baffinland to "find an alternate shipping route to the mine, regardless of the cost." Paul Quassa, Mayor of Igloolik, also expressed concern, over the effect of freighters on the ice used by the Walrus. He said the region was known for its highly prized aged, fermented walrus meat, a valuable export from the region.>>
  • "The time has come," the Walrus said,
    "To talk of many things:
    Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax--
    Of cabbages--and kings--

    And why the sea is boiling hot--
    And whether pigs have wings.
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Re: Weather!

Post by bystander » Sat Aug 21, 2010 7:12 pm

[attachment=0]Ice Cream Truck.jpg[/attachment][/i][/b]
Ice Cream Truck.jpg

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Re: Weather!

Post by Beyond » Sat Aug 21, 2010 7:38 pm

HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA, that's a good one bystander, however i think neufer's blue tounged polar Bear beats you out because He's furry and has such cute ears :!:
I think neufer's blue tounged polar Bear would be right at home with Ann in sweden, so if you ever find it missing, neufer, you will know where to start looking :!: :D
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Re: Weather!

Post by bystander » Sat Aug 21, 2010 8:54 pm

Credit: Lori Greig / Getty Images

Credit: Dana Menussi / Getty Images

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Re: Weather!

Post by neufer » Sat Aug 21, 2010 9:56 pm

beyond wrote:
HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA, that's a good one bystander, however i think neufer's blue tongued polar Bear beats you out because He's furry and has such cute ears :!: I think neufer's blue tongued polar Bear would be right at home with Ann in sweden, so if you ever find it missing, neufer, you will know where to start looking :!: :D
"He's furry and has such cute ears :!: "

_____ :roll: Hmmm...

Despite recent references to you as a "he"
I'm guessing that you are really a "she."

Am I right, beyond :?:
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Re: Weather!

Post by Beyond » Sat Aug 21, 2010 11:52 pm

neufer wrote:
beyond wrote:
HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA, that's a good one bystander, however i think neufer's blue tongued polar Bear beats you out because He's furry and has such cute ears :!: I think neufer's blue tongued polar Bear would be right at home with Ann in sweden, so if you ever find it missing, neufer, you will know where to start looking :!: :D
"He's furry and has such cute ears :!: "

_____ :roll: Hmmm...

Despite recent references to you as a "he"
I'm guessing that you are really a "she."

Am I right, beyond :?:
I am not aware of any refferences to me as being a "HE", but then i do not have to guess about what gender i am, or the genderation that i come from. There's also a lot of Grizzly's that have "CUTE" ears. It's a good thing it's the ears that are "cute". I don't spell tounge too good sometimes :!:
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Re: Weather!

Post by neufer » Sun Aug 22, 2010 2:36 am

beyond wrote:
neufer wrote:
beyond wrote:
HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA, that's a good one bystander, however i think neufer's blue tongued polar Bear beats you out because He's furry and has such cute ears :!: I think neufer's blue tongued polar Bear would be right at home with Ann in sweden, so if you ever find it missing, neufer, you will know where to start looking :!: :D
"He's furry and has such cute ears :!: "

_____ :roll: Hmmm...

Despite recent references to you as a "he"
I'm guessing that you are really a "she."

Am I right, beyond :?:
I am not aware of any refferences to me as being a "HE", ... 31#p130131
beyond wrote: but then i do not have to guess about what gender i am, or the genderation that i come from. There's also a lot of Grizzly's that have "CUTE" ears. It's a good thing it's the ears that are "cute". I don't spell tounge too good sometimes :!:
Is English your first language?
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Re: Weather!

Post by Beyond » Sun Aug 22, 2010 3:23 am

Neufer wrote "is English your first language?'

English is the only language that i practise and will continue to do so until i get it right or a facsimile there-of.
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Re: Weather!

Post by neufer » Sun Aug 22, 2010 12:35 pm

beyond wrote:Neufer wrote "is English your first language?'

English is the only language that i practise and will continue to do so until i get it right or a facsimile there-of.
Considering that The Asterisk* includes its own spell checker you might try practising it a little more. :wink:
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Re: Weather!

Post by Beyond » Sun Aug 22, 2010 2:50 pm

neufer wrote:
beyond wrote:Neufer wrote "is English your first language?'

English is the only language that i practise and will continue to do so until i get it right or a facsimile there-of.
Considering that The Asterisk* includes its own spell checker you might try practising it a little more. :wink:
Praytell, my good man, just where is that spellchecker that has eluded my vision for so long?
Well, Good golly miss molly!, i just noticed your refference to me being referred to as a "HE". (never said i was fast)i don't know why the question of "HE" or "SHE" would even have come up. Must be one of those neuferisms.
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Re: Weather!

Post by Chris Peterson » Sun Aug 22, 2010 2:59 pm

neufer wrote:Considering that The Asterisk* includes its own spell checker you might try practising it a little more.
It does? Where?

If you are using Firefox, or some other good quality browser, there is a spell checker built in. But s/he could be using Internet Explorer.

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Re: Weather!

Post by neufer » Sun Aug 22, 2010 3:04 pm

beyond wrote:
neufer wrote:
beyond wrote:Neufer wrote "is English your first language?'

English is the only language that i practise and will continue to do so until i get it right or a facsimile there-of.
Considering that The Asterisk* includes its own spell checker you might try practising it a little more. :wink:
Pray tell, my good man, just where is that spellchecker that has eluded my vision for so long?
You should see a squiggly red line under any misspelled word that you type.
Placing the cursor over the misspelled word and right clicking the mouse
will give you a list of properly spelled alternatives (from which to left click on).
beyond wrote:
AND Well, Good golly miss molly!, i just noticed your refference to me being referred to as a "HE". (never said i was fast)i don't know why the question of "HE" or "SHE" would even have come up. Must be one of those neuferisms.
Actually, I was chastised a while back by Chris for referring to Geckzilla as a "HE;"
so I was really hoping that you would allow me to get back at Chris. :twisted:
Last edited by neufer on Sun Aug 22, 2010 3:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Weather!

Post by orin stepanek » Sun Aug 22, 2010 3:06 pm

Chris Peterson wrote:
neufer wrote:Considering that The Asterisk* includes its own spell checker you might try practising it a little more.
It does? Where?

If you are using Firefox, or some other good quality browser, there is a spell checker built in. But s/he could be using Internet Explorer.
I have Internet explorer with and I have google search and that has a spell check! That is what I use.

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Re: Weather!

Post by Chris Peterson » Sun Aug 22, 2010 3:16 pm

neufer wrote:You should see a squiggly red line under any misspelled word that you type.
That is a native feature of Firefox, and most other browsers, but not of Internet Explorer. The spell check is internal to the browser, and has no connection with the Asterisk.

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Re: Weather!

Post by neufer » Sun Aug 22, 2010 3:34 pm

Chris Peterson wrote:
neufer wrote:
You should see a squiggly red line under any misspelled word that you type.
That is a native feature of Firefox, and most other browsers, but not of Internet Explorer.
The spell check is internal to the browser, and has no connection with the Asterisk.
So it appears.

My urban sombrero hat is off to Firefox for making me look smarter than I actually am.

(Now, if Firefox could only tell me the sex of other posters...)
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Re: Weather!

Post by Chris Peterson » Sun Aug 22, 2010 3:36 pm

neufer wrote:(Now, if Firefox could only tell me the sex of other posters...)
I'm sure there's a plugin for that...

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Re: Weather!

Post by neufer » Sun Aug 22, 2010 4:03 pm

Chris Peterson wrote:
neufer wrote:(Now, if Firefox could only tell me the sex of other posters...)
I'm sure there's a plugin for that...
I beg your pardon :!:
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Re: Weather!

Post by BMAONE23 » Sun Aug 22, 2010 5:00 pm

If I am writing a fairly long post, I will often either write it in a Word Document and paste it into the reply window or copy it from the reply window and paste it into Word for spell checking before copying it back to the reply window. It works well if something appears to be amiss. But if the word is spelled correctly but used incorrectly, such as Than in place of Then (see that a lot), spell check won't find it

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Re: Weather!

Post by Chris Peterson » Sun Aug 22, 2010 5:32 pm

BMAONE23 wrote:If I am writing a fairly long post, I will often either write it in a Word Document and paste it into the reply window or copy it from the reply window and paste it into Word for spell checking before copying it back to the reply window. It works well if something appears to be amiss. But if the word is spelled correctly but used incorrectly, such as Than in place of Then (see that a lot), spell check won't find it
Google has a very nice spell checker that will usually catch the wrong word (as in "than" and "then"). It works really well. It was part of Google Wave, which is now defunct, but I have little doubt the technology will show up elsewhere soon enough.

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Re: Weather!

Post by Beyond » Sun Aug 22, 2010 8:20 pm

Neufer wrote " i was really hoping that you would allow me to get back at chris."

Oh, ok. You can get back at chris. Just don't tell him that i allowed you. As if you needed my permission.

The only spell checker that i have is in my Yahoo e-mail and i don't think that i can connect it to my IE7 or IE8.
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Re: Weather!

Post by neufer » Sun Aug 22, 2010 8:43 pm

beyond wrote:Neufer wrote " i was really hoping that you would allow me to get back at chris."

Oh, ok. You can get back at chris. Just don't tell him that i allowed you.
Mum's the word.
beyond wrote:The only spell checker that i have is in my Yahoo e-mail and i don't think that i can connect it to my IE7 or IE8.
Firefox is a wonderful browser (with spell checker).

You can't go wrong with Mozilla, Shempzilla & Geckzilla.
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Re: Weather!

Post by Beyond » Sun Aug 22, 2010 9:48 pm

neufer wrote:
beyond wrote:Neufer wrote " i was really hoping that you would allow me to get back at chris."

Oh, ok. You can get back at chris. Just don't tell him that i allowed you.
Mum's the word.
beyond wrote:The only spell checker that i have is in my Yahoo e-mail and i don't think that i can connect it to my IE7 or IE8.
Firefox is a wonderful browser (with spell checker).

You can't go wrong with Mozilla, Shempzilla & Geckzilla.
Wern't these three substitutes for the three stooges? HHmmm.... Wait a minute - there's a Mo sub, there's a Shemp sub, but i don't remember any stooge called Geck. If Geckzilla subs for Curly, Geck is going to have to wear a bald cap.

And thanks for keeping Mum. However, when the British find out that you have their Mum,'ll be in DEEP Do-Do.
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