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Classroom: "The Mechanical Universe"

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 11:32 am
by kellogg
Greetings Folks,

Thanks to PBS, I ran across a series of Undergraduate Physics lectures: "The Mechanical Universe"
Now, it's been a long time since I sat in a classroom and enjoyed freshman physics, but I find it is
a pleasant way to sit back and enjoy the lectures. And the animated diagrams the used to illustrate
the concepts are much better than my professor could draw on the chalk board.

I found them on-line and thought you might enjoy sharing them:

I found the "Navigating in Space" and the "Kepler to Einstein" lectures to be particularly interesting.
But, the preceeding lectures lead up to them so you may not want to skip too much.

(I had never heard much of Kepler's life or Newton or Einstein, so the biographical details are interesting.
Not that they play a big part in the lectures, but it does give an appreciation of who's shoulders we stand on.)

I hope you enjoy them as much as I am.

Scott Kellogg