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IA Porto: Super Bubbles of Gas Detected around Massive Black Holes

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 4:14 pm
by bystander
Expanding Super Bubbles of Gas Detected around Massive Black Holes in the Young Universe
Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences | University of Porto | 2017 Mar 29
... researchers found massive super bubbles of gas and dust around two distant radio galaxies3, about 11,5 billion light-years away. ...

“By studying violent galaxies like these, we have gained a new insight into the way supermassive black holes affect the evolution of the galaxies in which they reside.” ...

The researchers used two of the largest observatories available today, the Keck II (Hawaii) and the Gran Telescópio de Canárias (GTC), to observe TXS0211−122 and TXS 0828+193, two powerful radio galaxies, harboring the most energetic type of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) known. This type of galaxy houses the most massive Black Holes and have the most powerful continuous energy ejections known.

The team discovered expanding super bubbles of gas around each of TXS 0211-122 and TXS 0828+193, most likely caused by “feedback” activity whereby the AGN injects vast quantities of energy into its host galaxy, creating a powerful wind that sweeps up gas and dust into an expanding super bubble. ...

Ionization and feedback in Lyα halos around two radio galaxies at z∼2.5 - S. G. Morais et al