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ANU/Sydney: Galaxies Grow Bigger & Puffier as They Age

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 2:02 pm
by bystander
Galaxies Grow Bigger and Puffier as They Age
Australian National University | University of Sydney | 2018 Apr 23

A new international study involving The Australian National University (ANU) and The University of Sydney has found that galaxies grow bigger and puffier as they age.

A selection of SAMI galaxies imaged with the Hyper Suprime Cam on the Subaru
Telescope in Hawaii. (Credit: NAOJ, Caroline Foster, and Dan Taranu)

Co-researcher Professor Matthew Colless from ANU said that stars in a young galaxy moved in an orderly way around the galaxy’s disk, much like cars around a racetrack.

“All galaxies look like squashed spheres, but as they grow older they become puffier with stars going around in all directions,” said Professor Colless... “Our Milky Way is more than 13 billion years old, so it is not young anymore, but the galaxy still has both a central bulge of old stars and spiral arms of young stars.”

To work out a galaxy’s shape, the research team measured the movement of stars with an instrument called SAMI on the Anglo-Australian Telescope at the ANU Siding Spring Observatory.

They studied 843 galaxies of all kinds and with a hundred-fold range in mass. ...

A Relation Between the Characteristic Stellar Ages of Galaxies and Their Intrinsic Shapes - Jesse van de Sande et al

Re: ANU/Sydney: Galaxies Grow Bigger & Puffier as They Age

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 2:46 pm
by neufer
  • Don't we all :!:

Re: ANU/Sydney: Galaxies Grow Bigger & Puffier as They Age

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 4:21 pm
by Ann
Nice one, Art. :wink:

NGC 5907 and tidal streams. Photo: R. Jay Gabany.
Collaboration: D.Martínez-Delgado(IAC, MPIA),
J.Peñarrubia, I. Trujillo, S.Majewski, M.Pohlen
On a different note, I must point out that there are several galaxies that appear very flat, but which are nevertheless hosts of large yellow populations. A good example is NGC 5907. Its flatness suggests (extreme) youth, but it contains large yellow populations, which are old.
James D Wray wrote about NGC 5907:
The yellow inner disk is extensive.
Several other galaxies are flat but quite yellow. Are they suffering from split personalities somehow?
