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STScI: Stellar Thief Is the Surviving Companion to a Supernova

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 8:17 pm
by bystander
Stellar Thief Is the Surviving Companion to a Supernova
NASA | GSFC | STScI | HubbleSite | 2018 Apr 26
SN 2001ig in NGC 7424 - Credit: NASA, ESA, S. Ryder (AAO), and O. Fox (STScI)

Seventeen years ago, astronomers witnessed a supernova go off 40 million light-years away in the galaxy called NGC 7424, located in the southern constellation Grus, the Crane. Now, in the fading afterglow of that explosion, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has captured the first image of a surviving companion to a supernova. This picture is the most compelling evidence that some supernovas originate in double-star systems. ...

The companion to the supernova’s progenitor star was no innocent bystander to the explosion. It siphoned off almost all of the hydrogen from the doomed star’s stellar envelope, the region that transports energy from the star’s core to its atmosphere. Millions of years before the primary star went supernova, the companion’s thievery created an instability in the primary star, causing it to episodically blow off a cocoon and shells of hydrogen gas before the catastrophe.

The supernova, called SN 2001ig, is categorized as a Type IIb stripped-envelope supernova. This type of supernova is unusual because most, but not all, of the hydrogen is gone prior to the explosion. This type of exploding star was first identified in 1987 by team member Alex Filippenko of the University of California, Berkeley. ...

Ultraviolet Detection of the Binary Companion to the Type IIb SN 2001ig - Stuart D. Ryder et al