Help Wanted: Asterisk Image Poster

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Baffled Boffin
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Help Wanted: Asterisk Image Poster

Post by RJN » Thu Jun 20, 2013 8:47 pm

Would you like to help APOD? Here is one opportunity. This volunteer position calls for someone to spend about 30 minutes each day taking images submitted by email to an APOD editor (that will be forwarded to you) -- and posting them to the current Submissions forum on the Asterisk discussion board.

This would be a help to APOD and its contributors for a number of reasons. First of all, it will give great images immediate exposure on the Asterisk. Next it will give APOD's social mirror operators new images to post to their social mirror (e.g. Facebook and Google Plus) accounts. Last, it allows APOD itself to post more popular images (not the only criterion) as the resulting "test" popularity of images on the social mirrors is considered.

If you are interested, please send email to nemiroff at with your name and a brief explanation of your background and interest. Students and retirees welcome!



Re: Help Wanted: Asterisk Image Poster

Post by lindakhandro » Sun Jun 23, 2013 7:03 pm


I hope that I have remembered my Username here...if you get this, then I have! I am an earth and space sciences college teacher, and may be very interested in helping APOD! I've been a fan for decades.

I'll stop here to see if this is a successful post. If so, I would be happy to send you my resume. In the meantime however, you can see my website:


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Baffled Boffin
Posts: 1673
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Re: Help Wanted: Asterisk Image Poster

Post by RJN » Mon Jun 24, 2013 6:11 pm

lindakhandro wrote: I'll stop here to see if this is a successful post. If so, I would be happy to send you my resume.
Please send email with your resume to the email address in the above post. Thanks for your interest!


PS: For the record for others following this discussion, we do have several people who have responded now and I am going through those emails.

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