Meerkat-LOFAR study of cluster A2142

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Meerkat-LOFAR study of cluster A2142

Post by AVAO » Mon Mar 04, 2024 9:26 pm

A 'MeerKAT-meets-LOFAR' study of the complex multi-component (mini-)halo in the extreme sloshing cluster Abell 2142
ARXIV C. Riseley et al. | 2024 May 01

Colour-composite image of Abell 2142, overlaying radio colour on optical RGB - Credit: C. Riseley et al. ... b44ff4.png

A 'MeerKAT-meets-LOFAR' study of the complex multi-component (mini-)halo in the extreme sloshing cluster Abell 2142

Clusters of galaxies are turbulent environments, whether merging systems with a turbulent intracluster medium (ICM) or relaxed systems sloshing within the potential well. In many such clusters, diffuse radio sources associated with the ICM are found: radio haloes and mini-haloes. Abell 2142 is a rich cluster undergoing extreme core sloshing, generating four cold fronts and a complex multi-component radio halo. Recent work revealed three halo components which span 2.4 Mpc. Particle acceleration on such scales is poorly understood, and requires high-quality multi-frequency data to understand. We use new deep MeerKAT L-band (1283 MHz) observations, combined with LOFAR HBA (143 MHz) data and X-ray data from XMM-Newton and Chandra to study the spectrum of the halo and the connection between the thermal and non-thermal components of the ICM. We detect the third halo component for the first time at 1283 MHz and confirm its ultra-steep spectrum nature, recovering αH3 [...]

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Exciting, how the attractor center is surrounded by the radio galaxies...

Radio in red (LOFAR), X-ray in violet (CHANDRA)
Last edited by bystander on Tue Mar 05, 2024 6:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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