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Re: APOD assessment poll #8

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 10:07 pm
by sq_deep
It was years ago so I can't remember.

Re: APOD assessment poll #8

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:47 pm
by SemperFi
Wow! I don't know how I found Apod, but I'm sure glad I did. It's been years that I've been following you every day! and if I miss a day (vacation, etc) APOD is the first site I catch up on when I return home. I've told lots of people about you, too, and I'm sure that they'd be lost without you as well. Keep up the wonderful, extraordinary, marvelours work. You are MAGNIFICENT!!!!

Re: APOD assessment poll #8

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:22 am
by Steve Walkey
I probably came across APOD whilst viewing NASA sites, or via The Sky At Night... Sir Patrick Moore first sparked my interest in Astronomy, as I know is the case for many thousands of fellow Brits, but APOD has helped to sustain the blaze! So, thank you very much for your fabulous site, I'm off to look at some more pics quickly before work...

Re: APOD assessment poll #8

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 9:55 pm
by JBogle
I found it on Google while searching for general astronomy pictures, although at the time, I had heard about it years prior...not sure from where.

Re: APOD assessment poll #8

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 2:58 am
by todiwan
Heh, I discovered it on Twitter, actually. I have always been interested in space and astronomy, but for whatever reason, until a little over a year ago, I did not even consider it as a career path. Then I suddenly got that revelation and I started following astronomy and physics as much as possible. I started using Twitter and from there, it was an easy way to APOD, since APOD gets linked there a lot, by NASA or by independent tweeters. Keep up the amazing work, and I should probably start getting involved in the forum itself, it seems interesting.