Durham: Simulated Galaxies Provide Fresh Evidence of Dark Matter

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Durham: Simulated Galaxies Provide Fresh Evidence of Dark Matter

Post by bystander » Fri Apr 21, 2017 4:13 pm

Simulated Galaxies Provide Fresh Evidence of Dark Matter
Durham University | 2017 Apr 21
Further evidence of the existence of dark matter – the mysterious substance that is believed to hold the Universe together – has been produced by Cosmologists at Durham University.

Using sophisticated computer modelling techniques, the research team simulated the formation of galaxies in the presence of dark matter and were able to demonstrate that their size and rotation speed were linked to their brightness in a similar way to observations made by astronomers.

One of the simulations is pictured, showing the main ingredients that make up a galaxy: the stars (blue), the gas from which the stars are born (red), and the dark matter halo that surrounds the galaxy (light grey). ...

The Mass-Discrepancy Acceleration Relation: A Natural Outcome of Galaxy Formation in Cold Dark Matter Halos - Aaron D. Ludlow et al
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