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241st meeting of the American Astronomical Society

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2023 8:01 am
by owlice
The 241st meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) starts this Sunday evening in Seattle, Washington; there are, however, pre-conference sessions over this coming weekend, including a two-day Software Carpentry workshop, a two-hour workshop to Help NASA Observe Distant Worlds with Exoplanet Watch, and more. (Workshops) The full block schedule is available online; details are available only to attendees, however. (I think that's right; will update if I'm wrong about that.)

The summer AAS meeting (#240) was held as a hybrid event and was successful with not being a hotspot for COVID infection; that was helped by vaccination and masking mandates and a venue and weather that allowed outside events. (Participants were polled after the conference; no one got COVID at the event, so yay!) January in Seattle is not conducive to outdoor conference events, let's hope the meeting mask and vaccination mandates keep COVID spread down at this hybrid event, too.

This will be my first in-person astro meeting since January 2020; I'm really looking forward to it, especially since I'm doing only two poster presentations rather than presentations and organizing a lot of other things, too!