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"Age is mostly a state of mind" , George Burns !

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 8:42 pm
by kovil
Harry, In reading some back posts of makc's sky map posting (here), I didn't realize you suspect our galaxy is over 13.7Gyr ! Same-page-itis here !

So my problem is I can not use the mainstream calculations and methodology to derive my answers, or I will make the same mistakes they did. It is a process of starting at the beginning, (begining has 3 n's in it?! , my underlined red chagrin) fie on the wretched spelling ! full speed ahead !!

I'm in a multilevel quandary over where to pull the first thread that will unravel this mystery and not be making a tight knot in the tangle to begin with.

A retro into being a consummate Teleologist for this max endeavour !

Talley Ho !

ps - as an intrinsic teleologist that is.

BBT is so often an extrinsic teleologistical exercise these days, it is losing credibility big time.

The actual word I wanted was for the philosophical discipline that explores the question of "How is it, that we know, what we think we know, without errors."
but google can't answer that one ! nor
I thought it was teleology, has the definition changed since the '60's ?
Maybe our professor specialized the definition.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 8:34 am
by harry
Hello Kovil

Sometimes our journey is controlled by the tracks made by others.

Imagine there are no tracks, allow no theories to enter your logic.

Work with the parts and bring it together.

Star formation and how stars go through varies cycles of nova and supernova and still look like our sun.

How millions of mini black holes 5 to several hundred sun masses spread out through the Milky Way.

How swarm of very large black holes near the centre

How a black hole several million times that of our sun lives at the centre.

How the galaxy rotates, how long does it take.

How long does it take to form a spiral galaxy.


You are right I do not think the Milky Way is 13.7 Gyrs old.
There is no evidence to show this.

Dating of stars does not take into consideration recycling and changes that stars under go that effect the dating process.

Regardless what I think,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,if you are able to date the Milky Way
or take up the challlenge. It may take several years.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 3:59 pm
by Martin
Interesting :shock:

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 4:18 pm
by makc
hey kovil sounds like you were editing your post in word processor,a nd then pasted it here; well, I restored your link, but all "red underlining" has gone.

A Calcutta of Blackholes, by any other name would be . . .

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 5:53 pm
by kovil
"A Calcutta of Blackholes, by any other name would remain
as inscrutable as dark night without a flame. . . " Radilex of Rigel V

Hi makc ,

The regular apod box has red underlining of misspelled words. It doesn't know apod is a word yet ! It's amazing how many words I misspell. is a regular bookmark. No problems. Although I've had more than one long typing session disappear into cyberspace never to be seen again, so I do use W97 for some things and then save it and then transfer it into the dialog box. Or early-post it and then do several edits to add more, and insure not losing it. The thought for the day is ;

It's time to make those little quarks walk the planck , eh matey, arrrgggghhh,
into the cauldron of sub-lepton stew with ye , arrgghh har har har !

jan 28, 2005 apod , a group of black holes orbiting a supermassive blackhole might be termed ;

an abhorance of blackholes,

a nullification of blackholes,

an invisible darkness of blackholes .

or the defining SagA* propinquity fortissimo ;
a quincunx of blackholes !

ps Harry,

< Dating of stars does not take into consideration recycling and changes that stars under go that effect the dating process. >

I have given up trying to date stars, they are so egotistical and think the universe revolves around themselves, that's why I moved back to NV from Los Angeles, CA.

But seriously, LOL, now I forgot what the main idea was. more later.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 5:59 pm
How about a "A Stay of Black Holes" or "A Quagmire of Black Holes"

Most likely "A Cluster of Black Holes" like Globular Clusters.

and the stars are still

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 7:39 pm
by ta152h0
and all those stars are still orbiting something as the original post states. Is it possible these stars are gravitationally "rubberbanded" together without a black hole in the orbital center, very much like kids in a merry-go-round " ?

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 11:44 pm
by iamlucky13
It sounds like gravitational "rubber-banding" from just the visible stars masses is insufficient to explain their speed. There's probably only a few dozen or hundred solar masses visible, yet their motion suggests they are being held in their orbits by the gravity of million or so solar masses.

Kovil, it sounds like your web browser spellchecking. If you have the current version of Firefox or Opera I believe both have a built in spellchecker.

Quarks walking the Planck. I like it. :D

Firefox files inaccessible, help !

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 1:52 am
by kovil

Yes I am using Mozilla Firefox for the browser over Windows 98.
Unluckily tho, it overwrote all my files and any saved emails, it now sends me to the mailbox and won't open the emails ! The original email is there, it shows for a split second and then it goes to the mailbox homepage screen. Is there a way to fix this?? I tried uninstalling firefox, but then I can't open any files at all, all saved web pages are inaccessible as well as emails. So I reinstalled it. But even trying to save emails in the old explorer 5 , it now says, can't save the web page. Is there a way to unwrite the files so they will open if I uninstall firefox? I couldn't find anything on their website that looked like it would address the problem. The files are all titled .htm ; I'm not sure what they were titled before.

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 7:05 am
by harry
Hello All

Naming a group of black holes

The Swarm
What do you call a group of black holes ... a flock, a brace, a swarm? Monitoring a region around the center of our Galaxy, astronomers have indeed found evidence for a surprisingly large number of variable x-ray sources - likely black holes or neutron stars in binary star systems - swarming around the Milky Way's own central supermassive black hole

Bevy of Black Holes Found in Galaxy Cluster ... 20913.html


Smile,,,,,,,my friend just said a Gang Bang,,,,,,,,,,,,terrible joke.

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 6:32 pm
by iamlucky13

I'm afraid I haven't got any more advice to offer without seeing what the computer is doing in person. Good luck figuring it out. By the way, any files that are saved with a .htm extension should be openable by both firefox and internet explorer, unless they were originally something else. If neither is working, there may be something bigger up with your computer, so you may want to find a computer support forum.

Bevy is a good one.