Space: New Sunspots Could Produce Space Storms

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Space: New Sunspots Could Produce Space Storms

Post by bystander » Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:08 pm

New Sunspots Could Produce Space Storms - 2010 Feb 07
A new group of spots is traversing the face of the sun. Sunspot group 1045 is an active region that has produced moderate (M-class) solar flares.

The spots could unleash a major (X-class) flare, though that probability is low, according to the U.S. Space Weather Prediction Center.

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Re: Space: New Sunspots Could Produce Space Storms

Post by bystander » Mon Feb 08, 2010 10:43 pm

Looks like the Sun is in its teens again
Bad Astronomy - 2010 Feb 08
I’ve been posting sporadically on how sunspots are starting to come back to the Sun, and I’m glad to see a new group sprouted up recently… and it’s a monster:
These images are from SOHO, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory. The orange one is in visible light, and the sunspots are pretty obvious. The green one shows the Sun in the far ultraviolet, and you can see the sunspots are pretty intense, blasting out high-energy light. Sunspots are indicators of magnetic activity, and the intense magnetic field can accelerate plasma (ionized gas) to high energies.

Just so’s you know, a hundred Earths could fit across this image, so that oughta give you an idea of just how big these blemishes are.

What this means is that the Sun is becoming active again. You can see it better in this video I put together using SOHO animations. These are real SOHO observations. Note that some of the data are missing so the Sun’s rotation is a bit jerky, and that you can see that data dropouts and other problems plague these sort of observations. Oh– actually, another group popped up on the Sun earlier, too, and you can see those in the visible light data.
Click to play embedded YouTube video.

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Re: Space: New Sunspots Could Produce Space Storms

Post by BMAONE23 » Tue Feb 09, 2010 2:24 pm
another great site for solar spot movies

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