Time: Ancient Astronomers in California?

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Time: Ancient Astronomers in California?

Post by RJN » Tue Feb 09, 2010 6:21 pm

http://www.time.com/time/nation/article ... 61,00.html
After spending more time at the site, Saint Onge realized that the carved crown and its relation to one of the spheres was strikingly similar to the way the constellation Ursa Major...

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Re: Time: Ancient Astronomers in California?

Post by neufer » Tue Feb 09, 2010 7:15 pm

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chumash_people wrote:
Chumash Rock Art, Children of 'Alishaw, The Sun ...
  • Image
    Norville Barnes: For instance, take a look at this sweet baby.
    I developed it myself. Yessirie, this is my big ticket upstairs.
    You know, for kids.
Norville Barnes: The great CIRCLE of life.
http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/The_Hudsucker_Proxy wrote: The Hudsucker Proxy is a 1994 is a screwball comedy film,
telling a fictitious story about the invention of the hula hoop.

Directed by Joel Coen. Written by Ethan Coen, Joel Coen, and Sam Raimi.
Sidney J. Mussburger: This better be good. I'm in a bad mood.

Norville Barnes: Well, sir. I've got something for you from the mailroom, but first if I could just take a minute or so from your very valuable time to show you a little something I've been working on for the last two or three years. [Shows him the drawing of the CIRCLE, but sees that it's upside down and flips it over]. You know, for kids! Which is perfect for Hudsucker not that I claim to be any great genius; like they say, inspiration is ninty-nine percent perspiration, and in my case I'd say it's at least twice that, but I gotta tell ya, Mr. Mussburger, sir, this sweet baby...

Sidney J. Mussburger: Wait a minute!
Norville Barnes: But I've got big ideas.

Ancient Mail Sorter: I'm sure you do.

Norville Barnes: For instance, take a look at this sweet baby. [Shows a drawn CIRCLE on a piece of paper] I developed it myself. Yessirie, this is my big ticket upstairs. You know, for kids.

Ancient Mail Sorter: Terrific.

Norville Barnes: So, it sees how I won't be working in the mailroom long.

Ancient Mail Sorter: No, I don't guess you will be.

Norville Barnes: How long you been here?

Ancient Mail Sorter: Forty-eight years. Next year they move me up to parcels... if I'm lucky.
Buzz the Elevator Operator: I like to think so! It's this little idea I been working on. Ya see, I don't intend to be an elevator boy forever. Take a look at this sweet baby! [shows Norville a drawing of a CIRCLE]
Art Neuendorffer

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