AAS NOVA — Research Highlights 2018

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Clues from Bent Jets

Post by bystander » Wed Apr 11, 2018 5:31 pm

Clues from Bent Jets
NOVA | American Astronomical Society | 2018 Apr 04
Susanna Kohler wrote:
Powerful jets emitted from the centers of distant galaxies make for spectacular signposts in the radio sky. Can observations of these jets reveal information about the environments that surround them? ...

Increased Prevalence of Bent Lobes for Double-Lobed Radio Galaxies in Dense Environments - Ezekiel M. Silverstein et al
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Magnetic Fields Versus Gravity

Post by bystander » Wed Apr 11, 2018 5:38 pm

Magnetic Fields Versus Gravity
NOVA | American Astronomical Society | 2018 Apr 06
Kerry Hensley wrote:
Deep within giant molecular clouds, hidden by dense gas and dust, stars form. Unprecedented data from the Atacama Large Millimeter / submillimeter Array (ALMA) reveal the intricate magnetic structures woven throughout one of the most massive star-forming regions in the Milky Way. ...

Polarization Properties and Magnetic Field Structures in the High-Mass
Star-Forming Region W51 Observed with ALMA
- Patrick M. Koch et al
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Asteroids from a Martian Mega Impact

Post by bystander » Wed Apr 11, 2018 5:44 pm

Asteroids from a Martian Mega Impact
NOVA | American Astronomical Society | 2018 Apr 09
Susanna Kohler wrote:
Like evidence left at a crime scene, the mineral olivine may be the clue that helps scientists piece together Mars’s possibly violent history. Could a long-ago giant impact have flung pieces of Mars throughout our inner solar system? Two researchers from the Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan are on the case. ...

Implantation of Martian Materials in the Inner Solar System by a Mega Impact on Mars - Ryuki Hyodo, Hidenori Genda
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Globular Clusters Shine in a Galaxy Lacking Dark Matter

Post by bystander » Wed Apr 11, 2018 5:51 pm

Globular Clusters Shine in a Galaxy Lacking Dark Matter
NOVA | American Astronomical Society | 2018 Apr 11
Susanna Kohler wrote:
You may have seen recent news about NGC 1052–DF2, a galaxy that was discovered to have little or no dark matter. Now, a new study explores what NGC 1052–DF2 does have: an enigmatic population of unusually large and luminous globular clusters. ...

An Enigmatic Population of Luminous Globular Clusters in a Galaxy Lacking Dark Matter - Pieter van Dokkum et al
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First Hours of the GW170817 Kilonova: Why So Blue?

Post by bystander » Tue Apr 17, 2018 3:54 pm

First Hours of the GW170817 Kilonova: Why So Blue?
NOVA | American Astronomical Society | 2018 Apr 13
Susanna Kohler wrote:
Now that the hubbub of GW170817 — the first coincident detection of gravitational waves and an electromagnetic signature — has died down, scientists are left with the task of taking the spectrum-spanning observations and piecing them together into a coherent picture. Researcher Iair Arcavi examines one particular question: what caused the blue color in the early hours of the neutron-star merger? ...

The First Hours of the GW170817 Kilonova and the Importance of Early
Optical and Ultraviolet Observations for Constraining Emission Models
- Iair Arcavi
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Peering Into an Early Galaxy

Post by bystander » Mon Apr 23, 2018 3:26 pm

Peering Into an Early Galaxy
NOVA | American Astronomical Society | 2018 Apr 18
Susanna Kohler wrote:
Thirteen billion years ago, early galaxies ionized the gas around them, producing some of the first light that brought our universe out of its “dark ages”. Now the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) has provided one of the first detailed looks into the interior of one of these early, distant galaxies. ...

ALMA Reveals Metals yet No Dust within Multiple Components in CR7 - J. Matthee et al
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Capturing Neutrinos from a Star’s Final Hours

Post by bystander » Mon Apr 23, 2018 3:34 pm

Capturing Neutrinos from a Star’s Final Hours
NOVA | American Astronomical Society | 2018 Apr 20
Kerry Hensley wrote:
What happens on the last day of a massive star’s life? In the hours before the star collapses and explodes as a supernova, the rapid evolution of material in its core creates swarms of neutrinos. Observing these neutrinos may help us understand the final stages of a massive star’s life — but they’ve never been detected. ...

Neutrinos from Beta Processes in a Presupernova: Probing the Isotopic Evolution of a Massive Star - Kelly M. Patton et al
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Heating the Chromosphere in the Quiet Sun

Post by bystander » Fri Apr 27, 2018 3:15 pm

Heating the Chromosphere in the Quiet Sun
NOVA | American Astronomical Society | 2018 Apr 23
Susanna Kohler wrote:
The best-studied star — the Sun — still harbors mysteries for scientists to puzzle over. A new study has now explored the role of tiny magnetic-field hiccups in an effort to explain the strangely high temperatures of the Sun’s upper atmosphere. ...

Chromospheric Heating due to Cancellation of Quiet Sun Internetwork Fields - Milan Gošić et al
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Where Should We Look for Life?

Post by bystander » Fri Apr 27, 2018 3:20 pm

Where Should We Look for Life?
NOVA | American Astronomical Society | 2018 Apr 25
Susanna Kohler wrote:
The first challenge in the hunt for life elsewhere in our universe is to decide where to look. In a new study, two scientists examine whether Sun-like stars or low-mass M dwarfs are the best bet for hosting exoplanets with detectable life. ...

Optimal Target Stars in the Search for Life - Manasvi Lingam, Abraham Loeb
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Wandering Supermassive Black Holes

Post by bystander » Sun Apr 29, 2018 1:40 pm

Wandering Supermassive Black Holes
NOVA | American Astronomical Society | 2018 Apr 27
Susanna Kohler wrote:
Are supermassive black holes found only at the centers of galaxies? Definitely not, according to a new study — in fact, galaxies like the Milky Way may harbor several such monsters wandering through their midst. ...

Wandering Supermassive Black Holes in Milky-Way-Mass Halos - Michael Tremmel et al
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Hubble Measures Globular Cluster Parallax

Post by bystander » Sun May 06, 2018 2:13 pm

New Target for an Old Method: Hubble Measures Globular Cluster Parallax
NOVA | American Astronomical Society | 2018 May 04
Kerry Hensley wrote:
Measuring precise distances to faraway objects has long been a challenge in astrophysics. Now, one of the earliest techniques used to measure the distance to astrophysical objects has been applied to a metal-poor globular cluster for the first time. ...

A High-Precision Trigonometric Parallax to an Ancient Metal-poor Globular Cluster - T. M. Brown et al
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Finding a Planet Through the Dust

Post by bystander » Thu May 10, 2018 3:09 pm

Finding a Planet Through the Dust
NOVA | American Astronomical Society | 2018 May 07
Susanna Kohler wrote:
Finding planets in the crowded galactic center is a difficult task, but infrared microlensing surveys give us a fighting chance! Preliminary results from such a study have already revealed a new exoplanet lurking in the dust of the galactic bulge. ...

UKIRT-2017-BLG-001Lb: A Giant Planet Detected Through the Dust - Y. Shvartzvald et al
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Sizes of Black Holes Throughout the Universe

Post by bystander » Thu May 10, 2018 3:19 pm

Sizes of Black Holes Throughout the Universe
NOVA | American Astronomical Society | 2018 May 09
Susanna Kohler wrote:
What is the distribution of sizes of black holes in our universe? Can black holes of any mass exist, or are there gaps in their possible sizes? The shape of this black-hole mass function has been debated for decades — and the dawn of gravitational-wave astronomy has only spurred further questions. ...

Evolution of the Black Hole Mass Function in Star Clusters from Multiple Mergers - Pierre Christian, Philip Mocz, Abraham Loeb
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Data: Insights and Challenges in a Time of Abundance

Post by bystander » Sun May 13, 2018 2:14 pm

Data: Insights and Challenges in a Time of Abundance
NOVA | American Astronomical Society | 2018 May 11
Susanna Kohler wrote:
One of the most rapidly evolving elements of astronomy research is how we handle data. With telescopes and computer simulations progressively producing ever vaster quantities, how can we process and analyze this data? What tools can we use to turn it into new astronomical discoveries?

The future of astronomy relies on new innovations on this front, and in a Special Issue of the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 23 papers explore different insights and challenges related to astronomical data — presenting new workflows, software instruments, databases, and tutorials that will aid astronomers in generating novel and significant research results. ...

Data: Insights and Challenges in a Time of Abundance
  • Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 236(1) (2018 May)
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When Is Moving Dust Unstable?

Post by bystander » Thu May 17, 2018 3:38 pm

When Is Moving Dust Unstable?
NOVA | American Astronomical Society | 2018 May 16
Susanna Kohler wrote:
What’s one thing the interstellar medium, protoplanetary disks, stellar interiors, and the environments around black holes all have in common? They all contain dust grains moving within a fluid — and two scientists from the California Institute of Technology say we’ve been missing an important part of their behavior. ...

Resonant Drag Instability of Grains Streaming in Fluids - Jonathan Squire, Philip F. Hopkins
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Disentangling the History of the Magellanic Clouds

Post by bystander » Sun May 20, 2018 6:42 pm

Disentangling the History of the Magellanic Clouds
NOVA | American Astronomical Society | 2018 May 18
Kerry Hensley wrote:
The Magellanic Clouds — two nearby dwarf galaxies easily visible to the naked eye in the southern hemisphere — are key to understanding the dynamics and evolution of the Local Group of galaxies. Can an in-depth look at these galaxies’ outer regions help us make sense of their complicated interaction history? ...

Substructures and Tidal Distortions in the Magellanic Stellar Periphery - Dougal Mackey et al
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Bubbles in Titan’s Seas

Post by bystander » Sat May 26, 2018 2:34 pm

Bubbles in Titan’s Seas
NOVA | American Astronomical Society | 2018 May 21
Susanna Kohler wrote:
The frigid seas of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, host a secret: something is causing features to appear and disappear within them. Could these seas be bubbling? And if so, how could such bubbles form and grow?

Bubbles in Titan's Seas: Nucleation, Growth, and RADAR Signature - Daniel Cordier, Gérard Liger-Belair
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Dark Matter in NGC 1052-DF2: A Matter of Debate

Post by bystander » Sat May 26, 2018 2:45 pm

Dark Matter in NGC 1052-DF2: A Matter of Debate
NOVA | American Astronomical Society | 2018 May 23
Susanna Kohler wrote:
Does the galaxy NGC 1052-DF2 really lack dark matter, or is this ultra-faint dwarf just misunderstood? A recently published paper calls into question this recent, surprising discovery 65 million light-years from our home. ...

Current Velocity Data on Dwarf Galaxy NGC 1052-DF2 Do Not Constrain It to Lack Dark Matter - Nicolas F. Martin et al
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A Massive Neutron Star with a Two-Faced Companion

Post by bystander » Sat May 26, 2018 2:54 pm

A Massive Neutron Star with a Two-Faced Companion
NOVA | American Astronomical Society | 2018 May 25
Susanna Kohler wrote:
How massive can a neutron star get? In a recent study, scientists may have identified the most massive neutron star yet — by leveraging observations of its highly irradiated companion. ...

Peering into the Dark Side: Magnesium Lines Establish a Massive
Neutron Star in PSR J2215+5135
- Manuel Linares, Tariq Shahbaz, Jorge Casares
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Mars’s Leaky Atmosphere and Habitability

Post by bystander » Wed Jun 06, 2018 4:26 pm

Mars’s Leaky Atmosphere and Habitability
NOVA | American Astronomical Society | 2018 May 30
Susanna Kohler wrote:
In the search for life elsewhere in the universe, Mars has always represented an important target for exploration. What can this planet’s evolution — from a potentially habitable world to its current inhospitable state — tell us about the possibility of life on habitable exoplanets beyond our solar system? ...

Modeling Martian Atmospheric Losses over Time: Implications for
Exoplanetary Climate Evolution and Habitability
- Chuanfei Dong et al
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The Aftermath of GW170817: Neutron Star or Black Hole?

Post by bystander » Wed Jun 06, 2018 4:35 pm

The Aftermath of GW170817: Neutron Star or Black Hole?
NOVA | American Astronomical Society | 2018 Jun 01
Susanna Kohler wrote:
When two neutron stars merged in August of last year, leading to the first simultaneous detection of gravitational waves and electromagnetic signals, we knew this event was going to shed new light on compact-object mergers.

A team of scientists says we now have an answer to one of the biggest mysteries of GW170817: after the neutron stars collided, what object was formed? ...

GW170817 Most Likely Made a Black Hole - David Pooley et al viewtopic.php?p=282988#p282988
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Gas Velocities Reveal Newly Born Planets in a Disk

Post by bystander » Sun Jun 17, 2018 5:07 pm

Gas Velocities Reveal Newly Born Planets in a Disk
NOVA | American Astronomical Society | 2018 Jun 13
Susanna Kohler wrote:
Occasionally, science comes together beautifully for a discovery — and sometimes this happens for more than one team at once! Today we explore how two independent collaborations of scientists simultaneously found the very first kinematic evidence for young planets forming in a protoplanetary disk. Though they explored the same disk, the two teams in fact discovered different planets. ...

Kinematic Evidence for an Embedded Protoplanet in a Circumstellar Disc - C. Pinte et al A Kinematical Detection of Two Embedded Jupiter Mass Planets in HD 163296 - Richard Teague et al
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Stellar by Day, Planetary by Night: Atmospheres of Ultra-Hot Jupiters

Post by bystander » Sun Jun 17, 2018 5:14 pm

Stellar by Day, Planetary by Night: Atmospheres of Ultra-Hot Jupiters
NOVA | American Astronomical Society | 2018 Jun 15
Susanna Kohler wrote:
Move over, hot Jupiters — there’s an even stranger kind of giant planet in the universe! Ultra-hot Jupiters are so strongly irradiated that the molecules in their atmospheres split apart. What does this mean for heat transport on these planets? ...

Increased Heat Transport in Ultra-hot Jupiter Atmospheres through
H2 Dissociation and Recombination
- Taylor J. Bell, Nicolas B. Cowan
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Using Satellite Galaxies to Weigh the Milky Way

Post by bystander » Wed Jun 20, 2018 4:25 pm

Using Satellite Galaxies to Weigh the Milky Way
NOVA | American Astronomical Society | 2018 Jun 18
Susanna Kohler wrote:
Weighing galaxies is a tricky business — especially when that galaxy is our own! In a recent study, scientists have tackled this problem by harnessing incredibly precise measurements of the motions of Milky-Way satellites. ...

Estimating the Mass of the Milky Way Using the Ensemble of Classical Satellite Galaxies - Ekta Patel et al
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Exploring Jets from a Supermassive Black Hole

Post by bystander » Sat Jun 23, 2018 4:16 pm

Exploring Jets from a Supermassive Black Hole
NOVA | American Astronomical Society | 2018 Jun 20
Susanna Kohler wrote:
What are the feeding — and burping — habits of the supermassive black holes peppering the universe? In a new study, observations of one such monster reveal more about the behavior of its powerful jets. ...

Finding Transitions of Physical Condition in Jets from Observations over
the Range of 103–109 Schwarzschild Radii in Radio Galaxy NGC 4261
- Satomi Nakahara et al
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